Badass Is The New Black (Season 6) Episode #12 - Is Your Next Big Idea Worth Pursuing?

business decisions business strategy productive entrepreneurs productivity revenue sustainable growth time management Mar 20, 2024
Is Your Next Big Idea Worth Pursuing?







In this week's podcast, we're diving into a topic that every creative mind grapples with – deciding which ideas are truly worth pursuing.

As serial idea generators, we understand the struggle of juggling countless possibilities. But fear not, because we've crafted a simple 4-step process to help you determine if your ideas are worth the hustle.


Step 1: Why Do You Want to Do This?

Let's start with the heart of the matter. When a new idea sparks, ask yourself why you want to pursue it. Is it for the thrill, the fun, or perhaps to offer more value to your community? Being brutally honest with your motivations sets the foundation for a clearer path.

Step 2: How Will It Bring in Revenue?

Now, let's talk money. Assess if your idea is a revenue-generating powerhouse. Be brutally honest – if it's not, weigh this answer against the others. This step is crucial in determining if your idea aligns with your business goals and sustains growth.

Step 3: When Does It Actually Need to Get Done?

Time is of the essence, but rushing ideas can lead to burnout. Reflect on when your idea truly needs to be executed. Avoid unnecessary stress by aligning it with your business schedule and priorities. This step is about finding balance and sustainability.

Step 4: Simplify, Simplify, Simplify

Our mantra: keep it simple! Evaluate if your idea can be executed in a simplified manner to avoid overwhelming yourself and your team. Balancing effort, time, and energy is essential for maintaining business growth while keeping work hours to a minimum.


Real-life Example: The Open House Strategy

We recently had an experience in our Mixer Mind community. We were in the middle of a launch for our program, Build a Blissful Business, and strategizing ways to bring more people in. Someone suggested an open house during lunch hour, and we evaluated it using these steps.

Why do it? To offer potential program participants a glimpse into the program.
Revenue? If successful, it could convert more people and boost revenue.
When? During the cart open period.
Simplify? Yes, we kept it super simple with a Zoom link and strategic emails.


Another Example: The 'Access the Experts' Series

We recently launched a series bringing in experts for in-depth training. Applying our 4-step process, we clarified our motivations, strategized revenue through bonuses, and set a monthly schedule. The result? A successful series adding value to our community and generating revenue through affiliate opportunities.


Mastering the art of idea evaluation is a game-changer for any business. By answering these four fundamental questions, you can confidently decide which ideas are worth acting on, ensuring a balanced and sustainable growth journey. So, go ahead, dream big, and choose the ideas that align with your business vision. Success awaits!


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