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Looking for insight on a specific topic but don't have time to search through multiple seasons or listen to an entire episode hoping to find what you are looking for?

Badass Is The New Black (Season 4) Episode #7- Writing Copy That Attracts Your Ideal Customer For Your Website with Becca Mitchell branding strategy copy copyright digital marketing expert web designer marketing your brand website Mar 30, 2022

Is your website attracting the right people? Are they buying your product or services or opting in for your freebie? If the answer is no, the problem is likely with your copy! Becca Mitchell is an expert at writing copy that attracts your ideal customer and she is sharing with us her best tips at how to level up our copywriting so that our websites convert!


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Writing Copy That Attracts Your Ideal Customer For Your...

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Badass Is The New Black (Season 3) Episode #27 Why You Need To Trademark Your Brand With Sarah Waldbuesser brand name brand protection business decisions copyright entrepreneurial journey trademarking process Mar 14, 2022

It’s very beneficial to trademark your brand for protection. How do you know it’s time for a trademark for your business? Dive into the topic of trademarking with Sarah Waldbuesser and Krissy Chin as they elaborate on the value it brings to any business and how you could differentiate your business from others. Sarah is an attorney and an online business owner. She shares her entrepreneurial journey, how she learned and figured out her niche. Moreover,...

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