Badass Is The New Black (Season 5) Episode #27 - Unlocking Growth: The Power of Small, Intimate Networking Events

collaborations growth network marketing networking Aug 09, 2023
Unlocking Growth: The Power of Small, Intimate Networking Events

In the bustling world of networking events, it's easy to get swept up in the allure of grand gatherings. Yet, the truth often lies in the intimacy of smaller settings. Join me on a journey as we explore how attending a small and intimate networking event can lead to exponential growth in your leads – a lesson I've learned firsthand.




A Deeper Dive into the Power of Connection

In a world where 'bigger' is often seen as 'better,' it's crucial to remember that size doesn't always equate to value. The magic happens when you immerse yourself in a small, close-knit community. These intimate interactions provide a unique opportunity to foster deeper connections. When you take the time to truly understand and connect with individuals, you lay the foundation for meaningful collaborations.

I recently attended the Kajabi Hero Live Event, teeming with hundreds, if not thousands, of attendees. Amid the crowd, I seized the chance to partake in an intimate dinner with seven inspiring women, only three of whom I knew beforehand. This experience unveiled a wealth of personal stories and perspectives, forging relationships that continue to thrive. From bonding over shared passions like wake surfing to uncovering unexpected common ground, these connections proved transformative.

Unlocking Transformative Insights

At the heart of intimate gatherings are moments that have the power to shape your journey. Picture this: an evening in a hot tub with two fellow attendees during the conference. Engaging in authentic conversations, we unearthed ideas that now form a cornerstone of my upcoming book launch. Lunch with a single individual revealed possibilities for collaboration, shining light on the incredible potential that these moments hold.

Unveiling Unconventional Connections

Networking isn't confined to work-related pursuits alone. The power of unconventional connections is evident in my experience at a friend's bachelorette party in 2017. Overcoming challenges and distances, I formed a connection that ultimately led to a collaborative virtual summit in 2020. This collaboration skyrocketed my email list by a staggering 3000 people, underscoring the profound impact of non-work networking.

The Art of Listening: Your Networking Superpower

In the realm of networking events, your ability to listen becomes your secret weapon. Embrace the art of asking questions and letting others share their stories. Remember, the goal isn't solely to tout your own accomplishments but to genuinely engage and understand. It's a practice that yields rich rewards, leaving lasting impressions on those you encounter.

A Call to Embrace Intimate Networking

As we journey forward, it's imperative to consider the value of intimate gatherings. The size of the group matters less than the depth of connections you forge. A testament to this truth is our upcoming Women's Retreat by the lake – a smaller, more intimate setting that promises to facilitate profound connections and insights. This deliberate choice to focus on depth over breadth ensures an experience that fosters genuine relationships.

The Road Ahead: Your Networking Odyssey

Building a thriving business is a collaborative endeavor, and your network is your lifeline. Whether through in-person meetups or online communities, the value of connections cannot be overstated. Make it a priority to invest your time and energy into connecting with like-minded individuals who inspire, uplift, and support your journey.

Join the Movement

If you're ready to embrace the power of networking, mark your calendar for August 25. We're hosting a Women's Connection Retreat, designed to facilitate transformative interactions, personal growth, and business expansion. Whether you're just starting out or a seasoned entrepreneur, this event promises something for everyone.

For more information and to secure your spot, visit And don't forget, sharing is caring – invite other women in your network to join us on this incredible journey of growth and connection.

In a world where 'big' often steals the spotlight, remember that greatness can be found in the small and intimate. As we embark on this networking odyssey together, let's amplify our connections, inspire each other, and cultivate a thriving community that propels us toward unprecedented heights.

Until next time, whether on this podcast or on YouTube – keep thriving, keep connecting, and keep shining! 🌟


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