Badass Is The New Black (Season 5) Episode #11 - 5 Reasons Why All Network Marketers Should Have Their Own Offer

lead generation mlm network marketing Apr 12, 2023
BNB 11 |5 Reasons Why All Network Marketers Should Have Their Own Offer

As a motivated social seller, it's important to stand out from the sea of competitors and differentiate yourself from other marketers promoting similar products. 



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One of the best ways to do this is by creating and promoting your own offer like a paid course or workshop. In this article, we'll explore 5 compelling reasons why all network marketers should also develop, market, and sell their own original offer.


Stand Out from the Crowd with Something Totally Unique and Totally YOU

With so many network marketers promoting the same products, it can be difficult to get noticed, gain trust, and eventually get new customers. By creating your own offer, whether it's a paid workshop, mini-course, coaching program, or something else, you can set yourself apart from the competition. This can help you to attract more leads because people are more likely to be interested in what you have to offer if it's unique and different from what they are seeing other people in a similar niche as you promoting online. Leading with your own personal offer can also be more enticing to your audience than simply promoting products that they have seen a lot of other people promote, and maybe have even tried for themselves. 


Create an Opportunity for New Collaboration and Partnerships

Collaboration is a great and quick way to grow your audience and email list but promoting your MLM products could be a conflict of interest for some people, which could prevent them from wanting to collaborate with you. By leading with your own offer, you can get in front of their audience without promoting competing products, and it ends up being a win/win for both of you!


Open up the Opportunity for an Additional Revenue Stream

It's important not to put all of your eggs in one basket when it comes to your income. As a network marketer, you may be earning commissions from your MLM company, but it's important to have other revenue streams as well. By creating your own offer, you can add another source of income to your business! This could be a product line, membership, digital product, marketing templates, in-person services, or something else that aligns with your niche and target audience. If you love doing something and people are always asking you about it - that’s usually a sign it would be a great business! By adding another revenue stream, you'll also be better protected against unexpected changes in your MLM company's compensation plan or other potential setbacks. And when done right, your original offer can bring in more customers for your MLM business. 


Show off Your Wide Range of Knowledge and Become the Go-To Expert

Creating and promoting your own offer can help to position you as an expert in your field. When you have your own unique, branded, and high-quality offer, you have the opportunity to showcase your own individual knowledge and expertise. This can help you to build credibility and trust with your audience, which can in turn lead to more sales and referrals.


Your Own Offer will Help Your MLM Business Grow Bigger and Faster

By reaching people with your own separate offer, you have the opportunity to cross-promote your MLM products as well. When people purchase your offer, they'll become familiar with you and your brand, which can make them more likely to trust and buy your MLM products as well. Additionally, your offer can serve as a lead magnet, helping you to attract new leads who may not have been interested in your MLM products initially.


As you can see, creating and promoting your own offer can be a powerful way to differentiate yourself from other network marketers, attract new leads, add another revenue stream to your business, position yourself as an expert, and grow your MLM business faster and at a larger scale than you might expect. 


Whether you create a paid workshop, mini-course, coaching program, membership, product, or anything else, it's important to find something that aligns with your niche and target audience. That way, you'll be setting yourself up for long-term success as a network marketer.


And if you’re thinking “this sounds like a great idea, but how do I even get started?” We have a solution for you. You will learn more about how to maximize your offers and add new revenue streams in our our FREE Live Masterclass: The 6-figure CEO’s secret to increasing their sales while spending most of their time with their family.


You’re going to discover the proven strategy that Krissy used to generate over $3 million in revenue in just 4 years without sacrificing your precious moments with your family. She’s breaking down all the secrets of how to start, grow, and automate a successful 6-figure online business while still spending most of your time with your family.


This 4-step system is proven to help entrepreneurs start, grow, and automate a successful online business and finally create a life on your terms.


Snag your seat for the NEXT Live Masterclass, April 25th, 2023 @1pm-2pm EST by signing up HERE.




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